


9月1日下午,, 由中國國際電視臺CGTN帶隊的“非洲媒體看中國”湖南行媒體團一行走進長沙高橋大市場的中非經(jīng)貿博覽會常設展館,非洲媒體代表們不時拍照留影,。在這里見到自己國家的特色產(chǎn)品,,更有人興奮地當起了推介官,向長沙市民發(fā)出深情邀約,。

On the afternoon of September 1, the African media group of "China Up-Close" Hunan Tour led by CGTN entered the permanent exhibition hall of the China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo in Hunan Gaoqiao Grand Market, Changsha.

Representatives of African media took photosfrequently.

Seeing their own country's specialty products here, some people even became excited to act as publicists, extending affectionate invitations to Changsha citizens.

【Author:Tang Zilu】 【Editor:唐子路】